Q: Where are you located?
- We are located in beautiful Northern New Jersey.
Q: How do I place an order?
- Orders may be placed by phone, email or through our contact page. Our phone number is (732) 444-8328, and our email address is info@cakeittilyamakeit.com
Q: How far in advance should I place my order?
- Orders should be placed as early as possible to secure the date for your event. We recommend contacting us at least 2 weeks in advance.
Q: Is payment required to secure the date?
- Yes! In order to secure your date, full payment is required. For orders over $600, we accept a 50% deposit, if the order is placed over 2 weeks in advance.
Q: What will my cake look like?
- Every cake is unique and custom designed. Bring us your color palette, party invitation, or celebration theme, and we will design a cake sure to be the centerpiece of your event! Our designs range from traditional tiered cakes to one-of-a-kind designs. Preview our gallery for inspiration.
Q: May I visit your location to buy a cake?
- All of our cakes are custom, so we do not have any ready-made cakes for sale. However, if you need a cake fast, check out our Express Cakes!
Q: Do you ship your cakes?
- Unfortunately, at this time, we do not ship our cakes.
Q: How should I store my cake?
- Cakes filled or frosted with cream cheese frosting or whipped cream should be refrigerated until served; others should be kept in a cool, dry place. If not being served the same day as pick up, all cakes should be refrigerated, in their box. All leftover pieces should be refrigerated.
Q: Do you make cupcakes, cookies or cake pops?
- Yes!!! See our gallery here: Cookies, Cake-pops and Cupcakes
Q: What is rolled fondant icing?
- Fondant is a pliable sugar dough that can be molded to create edible decorations or rolled over a cake to create a smooth finish. It can be dyed to match your event colors, invitations, etc. When fondant is rolled on a cake as icing, it keeps the cake moist and fresher longer. Fondant is usually vanilla flavored, but is also available in white chocolate or milk chocolate.
Q: What is gumpaste?
- Gumpaste, also known as sugar paste, is used for making edible decorations. It is very versatile and strong. It can be used to create delicate and intricate shapes. We use gumpaste for flowers, figures, etc. For the sake of your teeth, we do not recommend eating gumpaste!
Q: Do you have cake stands or display pieces for rent?
- Yes…clients have the option to rent display items. Deposits are returned if the item is returned within 20 days.